Patty Bryant
For me, trees have always had a special meaning. From my early teenage years, the image of the tree has given me strength and comfort, and stirred feelings deep within my heart. I am mesmerized by the never ending shades of green and the contrast between filtered sunlight and dense shadows hidden in brilliant clusters of leaves. I feel the struggle of tangled limbs, flowing from an often tortured and twisted trunk that is covered in a complex unique mosaic of bark, all seeming to grow from gnarled roots digging down deep into the earth.
My inspiration comes from both sadness and joy experienced throughout my life, and the healing process of planting baby trees and watching them grow, all while taking in the beauty of mature trees that fill my yard and surrounding neighborhood. Traveling to different parts of the country and other parts of the world has broadened and enriched my perspective and for me, given deeper meaning to my Art. To me, the trees become reflections of the people who live among them, their passion, their struggles, and the beauty of the culture that is uniquely their own. The intent of my current work is to capture this experience, the essence of the tree and how it made me feel in that single moment in time. As you explore my work, I hope that something in turn may stir within you, even if just for a moment. |