NEA Big Read: Sangamon County
A program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest, the NEA Big Read aims to broaden our understanding of our world, communities, and ourselves through sharing the joy of a good book. The Academy of Lifelong Learning at Lincoln Land Community College is one of 84 organizations nationwide that received this grant to host an NEA Big Read in their community. The amount awarded is $15,000. The NEA Big Read: Sangamon County will focus on Hope Jahren’s science memoir “Lab Girl.”
The Academy of Lifelong Learning and many community partners have developed over 75 fun and educational community-wide book discussions, speakers, interactive programs and arts presentations inspired by the book’s themes taking place March-April 2021.
A program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest, the NEA Big Read aims to broaden our understanding of our world, communities, and ourselves through sharing the joy of a good book. The Academy of Lifelong Learning at Lincoln Land Community College is one of 84 organizations nationwide that received this grant to host an NEA Big Read in their community. The amount awarded is $15,000. The NEA Big Read: Sangamon County will focus on Hope Jahren’s science memoir “Lab Girl.”
The Academy of Lifelong Learning and many community partners have developed over 75 fun and educational community-wide book discussions, speakers, interactive programs and arts presentations inspired by the book’s themes taking place March-April 2021.
Branch Transformation with WeavingSaturday Mar 13: 3 - 5:30PM [Betsy Dollar + Ashlynn Frey]
Bring a Branch or we will provide one. Using yarn, string, beads, and fibers a branch will be transformed into a work of sculpture. We will be using readings/ performances of sections from the book. Ages 8 to Adult. Supplies provided by SAA. FREE TO ATTEND |
Paint from the WordsSaturday Mar 27: 1 - 3:30PM [Betsy Dollar + Ashlynn Frey]
Using descriptions of how trees and leaves grow - from the book - participants will paint a tree/ leaf image with acrylic on canvas. Ages 8 to Adult. Supplies provided by SAA. FREE TO ATTEND |
Natural Materials, Collage with Paper and PaintSaturday Apr 10 : 3 - 5:30PM [Betsy Dollar + Ashlynn Frey]
Inspired by descriptions from the book- participants will create a collage with both art materials and natural materials. Ages 8 to Adult. Supplies provided by SAA. FREE TO ATTEND |