Debbie Megginson - Watercolor
"I came to the art world later in life having had no art classes in school through college but always felt I was missing something. As a college student in France, I discovered the world’s most amazing art museums. When I found that watercolor was a medium that was safe to use around a young family, I was hooked for life. I began with short local classes at the Springfield Art Association and quickly moved to four day workshops with well known watercolor teachers from across the US. A few of these fine instructors are Linda Baker, John Salminen, Paul Jackson, Karen Knutson, Karlyn Holman, Janet Rogers, Carol Carter and Mark Mehaffey. I also enjoyed many art classes at Lincoln Land Community College.
I grew up in the Springfield, Il area, married a grain farmer and raised our family on the farm in Auburn. The seasons dictate so much of farming life that having flower gardens is a natural result and provides my favorite subjects. When winter confines us inside, my interests turn to reflective still life subjects. Watercolor is my medium of choice; the way the pigment interacts with water is fascinating. I never can be sure of what will happen on the paper because the water brings its own life to the page. Today’s new pigments are lightfast and every bit as vibrant as any other medium, allowing the richest darks as well as delicate glowing lights. Inspiration can come from a new tube of paint, working out how it moves in water, how many beautiful combinations it makes with other colors, and what might be the perfect subject for it. Inspiration comes from catching a glimpse of strong light across a pot of flowers or a soybean field, or a chance photo of a bird. Inspiration also comes from my art friends who are supportive as well as entertaining. I joined the Prairie Art Alliance, now SAA Collective, in 1998, juried into watercolor painting, and later acrylic, and have been a featured artist several times. I taught beginner to intermediate classes in watercolor on a regular basis. The Sangamon Watercolor Society of central Illinois is a watercolor only group where I have had a 25 year membership, participated in frequent exhibits, and received numerous awards at the SWS Annual Shows. My watercolor paintings have been accepted into the Illinois Watercolor Society Annual International Exhibit in 2018 and 2020. I have participated in a 2 person exhibit at the Strawn Gallery of the Jacksonville Art Association and in several group exhibits there." |