Bernie White Hatcher - Painting
"The landscape is a source of inspiration not only for the artist, but for most of us. Whether we are conscious of it or not, the landscape is a metaphor that mirrors our moods and gradual transitions. It exhibits life and change in dramatic ways; at times peaceful and serene and at other times destructive, followed by magnificent recovery and rebirth. I am awestruck by the power and beauty of the landscape.
As my perspective on life has changed its effect on how I depict the landscape has changed as well. It has been interesting to me to observe these transitions in my work. In my recent “landscapes” traditional depiction is less evident. Although my paintings are inspired by rural and urban landscapes as well as the landscape of the southwest, in the creative process the compositions evolve into work that is abstract and expressionistic in final representation. I allow accidental brushwork, layering, color combinations and washes to suggest shapes, while sometimes loosely drawing to imply structure and land mass. All of these changes make creating a painting more exciting and challenging for me as an artist and for the viewer as well. Since 1960 I have lived in the Springfield area receiving a BA in communications majoring in fine art & design, and an MA in arts management from the University of Illinois at Springfield. Along with an on-going pursuit of painting and the job of raising two children, now adults, I worked as a draftsman and drafting supervisor for the Bell System, a graphic designer and manager of graphics and illustration at SIU School of Medicine, and as part-time adjunct faculty at Lincoln Land Community College in Arts and Education. Now retired, I am able to concentrate on my art and on developing my capabilities as a painter, something I totally enjoy." |